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How To Use E-Cigarettes And Other Coping Skills To Beat Risky Cravings When You're Quitting

More people than ever are quitting smoking. It isn't an easy task, but it's a journey that's well worth the struggle. One of the best ways to ensure success is to plan how you'll handle triggers and cravings well in advance. Thanks to advances in technology, alternative smoking devices like e-cigarettes and vaporizers are making the quitting process easier for health-minded Americans. If you're quitting, read through this short guide. You'll learn how to combine e-cigarettes and non-drug coping skills to help ward off cravings, whether it's first thing in the morning or when you're around social smokers.

The Early Morning Cigarette

Ah, mornings. So serene and peaceful--as long as you aren't in the middle of a serious nicotine fit. If you are used to waking up to a cigarette upon waking, mornings may become a source of stress while you are quitting. That immediate, strong pull can put you into a bad mood that may last for hours if it is not dealt with immediately. In this situation, being proactive is the best offense. This is the ideal situation for an e-cigarette from a site like or nicotine vaporizer, as you can reach over for it and use it as soon as you wake up.

How to Handle It

Recognize that you may very well wake up to a craving, but it doesn't have to take over your entire day. Set aside 10 to 15 minutes each morning to start the day right. Not only will you be less likely to rush out and buy a package of cigarettes, but you'll be in a more positive mindset for the rest of the day, too. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Set a glass of water beside the bed before going to bed.
  2. Place your charged vaporizer or e-cigarette right beside it.
  3. When you wake, immediately drink the glass of water.
  4. Use your device before you get up to get ready for the day.

Often, this routine is enough to kill the cravings so that you can move on with your day. If you're still craving a cigarette, try meditation. For some people, just a few minutes of meditation early in the day can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Meditation helps to calm the mind, and research is showing it may assist people with quitting, too. 

Once you've rehydrated and used your device, try sitting with your breath for another five minutes. Breathe in for four seconds, hold for three seconds, and then slowly release your breath. Focus on slowing down your thoughts and staying in the moment. Remind yourself to take things one hour at a time if you have to.

Extra facts: Bright, energetic vaporizer flavors work best for early mornings. Lemon, mint, or coffee-flavored vape juice may make working your device into your morning routine easier. Instead of grabbing your morning cuppa and a cigarette, you can grab your morning cuppa and a much safer puff that tastes good, too.

Being Around Smokers

Watching someone light up and enjoy that cigarette that looks oh-so-good can incite pretty intense cravings and even more intense emotion. Pair this with the strong social nature of smoking areas, and you're at risk for slipping each time you head out.

How to Handle It

For the first one to two weeks, you should try to avoid hanging around with smokers as often as is humanly possible. Avoid bars, workplace smoking areas, and other areas where people tend to gather to smoke. If you must be around smokers, carry an e-cigarette that provides a small dose of nicotine with you at all times.

Using a nicotine-based e-cigarette helps you to handle cravings in two ways:

  • A small dose of nicotine works on physical withdrawal symptoms
  • The act of smoking works to negate psychological withdrawal symptoms

Even though you'll be ingesting a small amount of nicotine, it's almost always better than risking entering the situation without any specific support. With your e-cigarette in your pocket, you'll soothe your cravings and prevent them from growing into a monster you can't control.

Follow these steps:

  1. The smell of cigarettes is a major trigger for most ex-smokers, so sit a short distance away if you can.
  2. Use your device the second you become aware of a craving--if you wait too long, you may rationalize that" one cigarette."
  3. Distract your brain by talking to the others around you. The topic doesn't matter, all that matters is that you place your attention elsewhere.
  4. If you've used your device and you are still feeling really triggered, it's time to throw in the towel; leave the smoking area for a safer environment immediately.

Recognize that having to leave a social environment can feel like yet another loss when you're quitting. Feeling a bit emotional about not being able to hang out with your friends safely is fairly normal. If you have a smartphone, use it to socialize from a distance. Good friends will support you through your struggle and will understand the need for a short period of distance.

Try to remind yourself that this phase won't last forever; after just three days, physical withdrawal symptoms will lessen. After several weeks, you'll find it much easier to handle temptation. 

Extra facts: Still not sure about nicotine replacement? Consider that research is proving that using alternative smoking devices is much safer than smoking a traditional cigarette. You might just influence someone else to become your quit buddy, too!

Cravings and temptations are just a fact of life for anyone who quits smoking. Understanding relapse triggers and how to get through them will help to ensure that you are able to weather the storm and move on to becoming an ex-smoker for life. With e-cigarettes or vaporizers on your side, and the helpful tips listed above, your chances of success are better than ever. For questions about how alternative smoking devices can help you to quit, contact a retailer today.
