Tips To Help Women Choose The Right Pair Of Cowboy Boots

If you have never owned a pair of cowboy boots and would like to buy a pair, you may be lost knowing what you should look for in a pair of boots. While cowboy boots are popular for men, many women also like wearing them. There are hundreds of different types of cowboy boots you can choose from, and here are some tips that may help you choose a female pair of cowboy boots that you will love, wear, and appreciate for many years. [Read More]

Hunt Like A Hero With A Collection Of Avenger-Like Supplies

You may not have the superpowers of heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, or Thor, but you can hunt wild animals like you're a part of the Avengers. By choosing select hunting gear, you can emulate your favorite heroes and potentially have more success while on the hunt. Browse through the following supplies to see what types of hunting supplies can make you more like your favorite member of The Avengers. [Read More]

Ten Inspiring Birthday Gifts For The Outdoorsy Man

Choosing a unique birthday gift from places like This-N-That Gifts for the outdoor-loving guy isn't always an easy task. A gift that is unique yet essential should fit the bill nicely, especially for a hiker or camper. To help you strike a perfect balance of practicality and distinction, here are ten clever birthday gift ideas: 1. All-in-One Outdoor Survival Kit These compact survival kits will fit into a knapsack and feature such practicalities as a flashlight, knife, compass and more. [Read More]

The Great Wallpaper War: Tools You Should Have In Your Arsenal For Complete Removal Victory

Most people agree that while the 80's and 90's provided the world with some awesome music and some interesting fashions, some the design trends were downright ghastly. If you've purchased a home built in these decades, you might be facing wall upon wall of floral, striped, and banner wallpaper. Properly installed wallpaper can be very difficult to remove, so you're right to feel completely daunted by the task. Paying someone to do it for you can be expensive-- up to 1. [Read More]